60 utworów z obszernymi historycznymi notatkami wprowadzającymi. Zawiera wszystkie utwory artystyczne pierwotnie skomponowane na głos i fortepian opublikowane przez Boosey & Hawkes. Dostępne dla głosu wysokiego oraz głosu średniego/niskiego, z nowo opublikowanymi transpozycjami .
spis utworów:
- The Birds
- A Charm of Lullabies, Op. 41:
- A Cradle Song
- The Highland Balou
- Sephestia's Lullaby
- A Charm
- The Nurse's Song
- - Evening, Morning, Night (three songs from This Way to the Tomb):
- Evening
- Morning
- Night
- - Fish in the unruffled lakes:
- To lie flat on the back
- Night covers up the rigid land
- The sun shines down
- Fish in the unruffled lakes
- What's in your mind?
- Underneath the abject willow
- - The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35:
- Oh my black Soule!
- Batter my heart
- O might those sighes and teares
- Oh, to vex me
- What if this present
- Since she whom I loved
- At the round earth's imagined corners
- Thou hast made me
- Death, be not proud
- - On This Island, Op. 11:
- Let the florid music praise!
- Now the leaves are falling fast
- Seascape
- Nocturne
- As it is, plenty
- - Sechs Hölderlin-Fragmente, Op. 61:
- Menschenbeifall
- Die Heimat
- Sokrates und Alcibiades
- Die Jugend
- Hälfte des Lebens
- Die Linien des Lebens
- - Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo, Op. 22:
- Sonetto XVI: Sì come nella penna e nell'inchiostro
- Sonetto XXXI: A che più debb'io mai l'intensa voglia
- Sonetto XXX: Veggio co' bei vostri occhi un dolce lume
- Sonetto LV: Tu sa' ch'io so, signior mie, che tu sai
- Sonetto XXXVIII: Rendete a gli occhi miei, o fonte o fiume
- Sonetto XXXII: S'un casto amor, s'una pietà supena
- Sonetto XXIV: Spirto ben nato, in cui si specchia e vede
- - Songs from the Chinese, Op. 58 (transcribed for voice and piano):
- The Big Chariot
- The Old Lute
- The Autumn Wind
- The Herd-Boy
- Depression
- Dance Song
- - Winter Words, Op. 52:
- At day-close in November
- Midnight on the Great Western
- Wagtail and Baby
- The little old table
- The Choirmaster's Burial
- Proud Songsters
- At the Railway Station, Upway
- Before Life and After
- - Cut from Winter Words:
- If it's ever spring again
- The Children and Sir Nameless
- - Two Ballads (duet):
- Mother Comfort
- Underneath the abject willow